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What languages do you speak and what level?
Slovenian, English (frequently), Croatian (intermediate).
What are your passions and hobbies?
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
To fly.
What is your favourite dish from your country?
Prekmurska gibanica.
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
Ilka Štuhec.
The words I live by are…
Live in the moment and enjoy every second of it.
What motivated you to apply for the EYOA programme?
The fact I can help young athletes and make new friends.

What are your goals as an EYOA?
To represent main Olympic Values to young athletes.

What would be your dream job in the future?
What are your expectations from being an EYOA?
To make new friends and connections.
What does Olympism mean to you?
Sport, education, culture mixed together at the same time.
Which Olympic Values is the most important for you and why?
Respect, because in sport you have to be remembered as a nice and respectful person, otherwise for me there is no point of winning.
What languages do you speak and what level?
Slovenian, English (frequently), Croatian (intermediate).
What are your passions and hobbies?
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
To fly.
What is your favourite dish from your country?
Prekmurska gibanica.
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
Ilka Štuhec.
The words I live by are…
Live in the moment and enjoy every second of it.
What motivated you to apply for the EYOA programme?
The fact I can help young athletes and make new friends.
What are your goals as an EYOA?
To represent main Olympic Vaules to young athletes.
What would be your dream job in the future?
What are your expectations from being an EYOA?
To make new friends and connections.
What does Olympism mean to you?
Sport, education, culture mixed together at the same time.
Which Olympic Values is the most important for you and why?
Respect, because in sport you have to be remembered as a nice and respectful person, otherwise for me there is no point of winning.