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What are your passions and hobbies?
Travelling and get to know different cultures and countries. I am also a big fan of coffee, there is no better way to start the day than with an espresso.
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
The super ability I would like to have been to be super-fast like “Flash”.
What is your favourite dish from your country?
Currywurst – sausage in curry sauce with fries.
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
Jan Frodeno (Germany – Triathlete).
The words I live by are…
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretzky- Michael Scott.
What are your goals as an EYOA?
My goals as an EYOA are to share my experience as an athlete and promote Olympic sport and values to young athletes, showing them how mighty sport can be to connect people from all over the world and strive for the better.
What would be your dream job in the future?
My dream job in the future would be to work for an international sport organisation.
What are your expectations from being an EYOA and the EYOF in Vuokatti (FIN)?
I am looking forward to the EYOF in Vuokatti because I get the opportunity to meet people from different countries and sports, make new friends and exchange my point of view related to topics around Olympism.
What does Olympism mean to you?
Olympism means to me promoting values through sport and education programmes while encouraging people to be a better version of themselves every day.
What are your passions and hobbies?
Travelling and get to know different cultures and countries. I am also a big fan of coffee, there is no better way to start the day than with an espresso.
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
The super ability I would like to have been to be super-fast like “Flash”.
What is your favourite dish from your country?
Currywurst – sausage in curry sauce with fries.
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
Jan Frodeno (Germany – Triathlete).
The words I live by are…
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretzky- Michael Scott.
What are your goals as an EYOA?
My goals as an EYOA are to share my experience as an athlete and promote Olympic sport and values to young athletes, showing them how mighty sport can be to connect people from all over the world and strive for the better.
What would be your dream job in the future?
My dream job in the future would be to work for an international sport organisation.
What are your expectations from being an EYOA and the EYOF in Vuokatti (FIN)?
I am looking forward to the EYOF in Vuokatti because I get the opportunity to meet people from different countries and sports, make new friends and exchange my point of view related to topics around Olympism.
What does Olympism mean to you?
Olympism means to me promoting values through sport and education programmes while encouraging people to be a better version of themselves every day.