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What are your passions and hobbies?
I enjoy training for swimming and trying lots of different sports. Outside of sport though, I enjoy travelling, dancing, baking and spending time with my family and friends.
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
I think it would be very fun to teleport and transport myself to anywhere I wanted, instantly, and travel all over the world!
What is your favourite dish from your country?
My favourite dish is from Scotland, and is called Stovies. It is a mix of meat and potatoes, served with beetroot and oatcakes and eaten on national holidays.
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
Australian swimmer Cody Simpson – he demonstrates that no matter which path you choose or what your journey looks like, it is never too late to pursue your dreams and do what is necessary to achieve all of your goals.
The words I live by are…
Where there is a will, there is a way.
What motivated you to apply for the EYOA programme?
In my day to day I work in promoting the Olympic Movement and Olympic values to young people in schools to inspire them to engage more in sport. The EYOA programme gives me the opportunity to also share this with athletes, help them understand the true meaning of Olympism and how to be the best athlete and person they can be in every way.
What are your goals as an EYOA?
To share and continue to display the Olympic values and show that these can be applied in all areas of life, not just in sport. But also to meet new ambassadors and athletes from other nations, hear their stories and learn about their cultures too.
What would be your dream job in the future?
I would like to continue working in sport and in events, working with athletes and making sure that everyone can enjoy themselves through participating or watching sport. In many ways, I feel I am already in my dream job! I also think being a full time athlete would be really cool!
What are your expectations from being an EYOA?
I want to use the EYOA programme as a platform to learn new and creative ways to teach and learn about the Olympic movement but also to inspire and empower the next generation of athletes to continue to pursue their goals.
What does Olympism mean to you?
Olympism means upholding the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect every day and in all areas of life, not just in sport. It is putting your best foot forward in everything that you do, making the most out of every opportunity and helping others do the same.
Which Olympic Values is the most important for you and why?
For me, respect is very important – respect for others and also respect for yourself. Being able to empathise with others, listen to them, encourage and support them is a great way to unite people from different backgrounds and cultures. Having respect for yourself is also important, knowing what your own values are and sticking to those as well as taking responsibility and having the discipline to do what is necessary to achieve your goals.
What are your passions and hobbies?
I enjoy training for swimming and trying lots of different sports. Outside of sport though, I enjoy travelling, dancing, baking and spending time with my family and friends.
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
I think it would be very fun to teleport and transport myself to anywhere I wanted, instantly, and travel all over the world!
What is your favourite dish from your country?
My favourite dish is from Scotland, and is called Stovies. It is a mix of meat and potatoes, served with beetroot and oatcakes and eaten on national holidays.
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
Australian swimmer Cody Simpson – he demonstrates that no matter which path you choose or what your journey looks like, it is never too late to pursue your dreams and do what is necessary to achieve all of your goals.
The words I live by are…
Where there is a will, there is a way.
What motivated you to apply for the EYOA programme?
In my day to day I work in promoting the Olympic Movement and Olympic values to young people in schools to inspire them to engage more in sport. The EYOA programme gives me the opportunity to also share this with athletes, help them understand the true meaning of Olympism and how to be the best athlete and person they can be in every way.
What are your goals as an EYOA?
To share and continue to display the Olympic values and show that these can be applied in all areas of life, not just in sport. But also to meet new ambassadors and athletes from other nations, hear their stories and learn about their cultures too.
What would be your dream job in the future?
I would like to continue working in sport and in events, working with athletes and making sure that everyone can enjoy themselves through participating or watching sport. In many ways, I feel I am already in my dream job! I also think being a full time athlete would be really cool!
What are your expectations from being an EYOA?
I want to use the EYOA programme as a platform to learn new and creative ways to teach and learn about the Olympic movement but also to inspire and empower the next generation of athletes to continue to pursue their goals.
What does Olympism mean to you?
Olympism means upholding the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect every day and in all areas of life, not just in sport. It is putting your best foot forward in everything that you do, making the most out of every opportunity and helping others do the same.
Which Olympic Values is the most important for you and why?
For me, respect is very important – respect for others and also respect for yourself. Being able to empathise with others, listen to them, encourage and support them is a great way to unite people from different backgrounds and cultures. Having respect for yourself is also important, knowing what your own values are and sticking to those as well as taking responsibility and having the discipline to do what is necessary to achieve your goals.