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What are your passions and hobbies?
My passion is to explore new places and travelling. During the lockdown, I liked to cook and try new recipes.
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
If I could have one superpower, I would like to know how to teleport. There are so many interesting activities going on around the world; events, conferences, festivals (before COVID-19) and so many places where I would like to travel, but the issue is the lack of time.
What is your favourite dish from your country?
My favourite dish from Latvia is my mum’s homemade sorrel soup. It is the best!
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
American Boxer Muhammad Ali inspires me not only with his career, but his way of life. After retiring from the ring, he devoted his life to philanthropy and charity work, especially those connected with Parkinson’s disease, which he suffered from. Muhammad Ali was no stranger to risk. From the early age of 12 when someone stole his bike, he was determined to take on any future thieves, so he learned how to fight. “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali
The words I live by are…
… keep fighting, and if you are not winning yet, it means the fight is not over yet, so keep fighting!
What motivated you to apply for the EYOA programme?
My main motivation to apply for the EYOA programme was to contribute to the European Youth Olympic Festival and the EOC, as I believe it is a great stepping stone for my future career. And secondly, I was excited about the networking possibilities with other like-minded people.
What are your goals as an EYOA?
Being part of the EYOA programme, my goals are firstly to establish new connections and use the networking opportunity that this programme provides. Secondly, gain as much new knowledge as possible from the representatives of the EOC and the ambassadors. And lastly, make a great contribution towards the EYOF in Voukatti 2021 and create a great experience for the young athletes during the Festival.
What would be your dream job in the future?
My dream is being part of the International Olympic Committee and one day contribute to the planning of the Olympic Games.
What are your expectations from being an EYOA?
My expectation from being an EYOA is to use this opportunity as a great stepping stone in my life and career and become a few steps closer towards my dream job.
What does Olympism mean to you?
For me Olympism is the boundless celebration of humanity, human connection and synergy, equality. It is achieving something that seems impossible through hard work, dedication and sport.
What are your passions and hobbies?
My passion is to explore new places and travelling. During the lockdown, I liked to cook and try new recipes.
What is your secret superpower (or one you would like to have)?
If I could have one superpower, I would like to know how to teleport. There are so many interesting activities going on around the world; events, conferences, festivals (before COVID-19) and so many places where I would like to travel, but the issue is the lack of time.
What is your favourite dish from your country?
My favourite dish from Latvia is my mum’s homemade sorrel soup. It is the best!
Who is the most inspiring athlete for you?
American Boxer Muhammad Ali inspires me not only with his career, but his way of life. After retiring from the ring, he devoted his life to philanthropy and charity work, especially those connected with Parkinson’s disease, which he suffered from. Muhammad Ali was no stranger to risk. From the early age of 12 when someone stole his bike, he was determined to take on any future thieves, so he learned how to fight. “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali
The words I live by are…
… keep fighting, and if you are not winning yet, it means the fight is not over yet, so keep fighting!
What motivated you to apply for the EYOA programme?
My main motivation to apply for the EYOA programme was to contribute to the European Youth Olympic Festival and the EOC, as I believe it is a great stepping stone for my future career. And secondly, I was excited about the networking possibilities with other like-minded people.
What are your goals as an EYOA?
Being part of the EYOA programme, my goals are firstly to establish new connections and use the networking opportunity that this programme provides. Secondly, gain as much new knowledge as possible from the representatives of the EOC and the ambassadors. And lastly, make a great contribution towards the EYOF in Voukatti 2021 and create a great experience for the young athletes during the Festival.
What would be your dream job in the future?
My dream is being part of the International Olympic Committee and one day contribute to the planning of the Olympic Games.
What are your expectations from being an EYOA?
My expectation from being an EYOA is to use this opportunity as a great stepping stone in my life and career and become a few steps closer towards my dream job.
What does Olympism mean to you?
For me Olympism is the boundless celebration of humanity, human connection and synergy, equality. It is achieving something that seems impossible through hard work, dedication and sport.